Maar dus, wat is er zo typisch én ecologisch aan Hallingelille? Na heen en weer gebabbel en gezwans, kwam Susanna op een geweldig idee. Vorig jaar gingen de vrouwen van Hallingelille op vrouwenweekend, en één van de workshops die ze gevolgd hadden, was 'wilgenvlechten'. Susanna haalde haar creatie boven - een soort windvanger/steunpilaar voor klimplanten - en gaf de Ecotrippers vol trots haar kunstwerkje. En waarom zo typisch voor dit ecodorp? Wel, achteraan het dorp staan er een hele groep wilgen die ervoor zorgen dat het afvalwater opgeslorpt wordt door hun wortels en op die manier niet terechtkomt in het drinkbaar water dat dieper in de grond verscholen zit. Een natuurlijk grijswaterzuiveringssysteem dus.
Mooi ... al die verhalen achter de ruilwaren! Hup naar de volgende stop dan maar.
From organic radishes to ... (6)
It's no state secret that once in a while the Ecotrippers had a dip on their bikes. While pedalling, the most crazy thoughts crossed their minds: a warm bed with a thick mattress, a big bowl of hot food or just a relaxing massage for their stiff muscles … it all seemed very far away from their 'mats' – a far-from-their-bedshow. The urge to put a pinch of the engelwürz salt on their tongues was big but fortunately they managed to keep it under control – it didn't have to take much longer though – untill they reached Hallingelille and were offered warm beds where they could dream all their bike troubles away.
So, what’s typical and ecological
about Hallingelille? After some talking and laughing, Susanna had a wonderful
idea. Last year the women of Hallingelille went on a ‘women weekend’. One of
the workshops they followed was: braiding willow branches. Susanna showed us
her creation – a sort of storm flap/
mainstay for climbing plants – and gave it to us proudly. And why is that
so typical for Hallingelille? On the edge of the ecovillage a group of willow
trees is standing firm in the ground. Their roots absorb the grey water of the
houses, so the ‘dirty’ water doesn’t come in the potable water, deeper in the
soil. A sort of natural grey water system.
Beautiful ... all those stories
behind the exchanges! Hup hup hup, and off they go again.
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